Plot: Aleste 2 is a scrolling shooter video game developed and released by Compile for the MSX2 in 1989 exclusively in Japan. It is a sequel to Aleste and is the first game in the Aleste series to feature the recurring series heroine Ellinor who later appeared in Musha Aleste. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Hydlide is an action role-playing game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. It was originally released in 1987 in Japan only under the title Hydlide 3: The Space Memories for the MSX, MSX2, and NEC PC-88. It's the third game in the Hydlide series. Wikipedia
Plot: Video gaming in the United States is one of the fastest-growing entertainment industries in the country. According to a 2010 study released by the Entertainment Software Association, the computer and the video game industry added $4.9 billion to the economy of the United States. Wikipedia