Plot: Super Hydlide is an action role-playing game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. It was originally released in 1987 in Japan only under the title Hydlide 3: The Space Memories for the MSX, MSX2, and NEC PC-88. It's the third game in the Hydlide series. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Hydlide is an action role-playing game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. It was originally released in 1987 in Japan only under the title Hydlide 3: The Space Memories for the MSX, MSX2, and NEC PC-88. It's the third game in the Hydlide series. Wikipedia
Plot: Virtual Hydlide is an action role-playing game for the Sega Saturn console, developed by T&E Soft, published by Sega in Europe and Japan, and Atlus Software in North America. Wikipedia
Plot: The Black Onyx is a 1984 role-playing video game released in Japan, developed by Bullet-Proof Software, with development led by Henk Rogers. It was one of the first successful Japanese-language RPGs, having sold 150,000 copies, and helped familiarize the Japanese public with RPGs. Wikipedia
Plot: Cosmic Soldier is a role-playing video game for MSX home computers and is the first game in the Cosmic Soldier series. It was released in 1985 by Kogado Studio. The game was ported to the NEC PC-8801 with an updated interface and graphics. Wikipedia
Plot: Romancia, also known as Dragon Slayer Jr., is an action-adventure game developed by Nihon Falcom. It is the third installment in the Dragon Slayer series, preceded by Xanadu and followed by Dragon Slayer IV. Wikipedia