Plot: Aleste 2 is a scrolling shooter video game developed and released by Compile for the MSX2 in 1989 exclusively in Japan. It is a sequel to Aleste and is the first game in the Aleste series to feature the recurring series heroine Ellinor who later appeared in Musha Aleste. Wikipedia
Plot: Hi no Tori Hououhen is a 1987 video game for the MSX2 developed by Konami, produced alongside a similarly named game for the Famicom. Both games are based on the series and story arc with the same names. Wikipedia
Plot: Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park is a 1984 action/platform game based on the Cabbage Patch Kids franchise. It is the first and only game in the Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures series. Wikipedia
Plot: Robo Aleste, released in Japan as Dennin Aleste, is a 1992 vertically scrolling shooter video game developed and published by Compile for the Sega CD. Tengen and Sega released the English version of the game overseas in 1993. It is the last game in the Aleste series, and is a follow-up to MUSHA for...
Plot: A.M.C.: Astro Marine Corps is a 1989 action video game developed by Creepsoft and published by Dinamic Software. It was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, MSX, and Amstrad CPC. The program as written by Pablo Ariza with music by José A. Martín. Wikipedia