Plot: Battle Lode Runner is a puzzle-platform game based on the Lode Runner series of games, originally released for the NEC PC Engine by Hudson Soft in 1993. It was released in Japan on May 29, 2007 and also released in the North American and European regions for the first time in April 2007 for the Wii...
Plot: Time Cruise is a sci-fi themed pinball video game released for the Turbografx-16 game system on November 8, 1991. The game was released exclusively on the Turbografx-16 to compete against the popular Crush series of pinball video games by Compile. The game was followed up with a sequel, Time Cruise...
Plot: Final Blaster is a 1990 vertical-scrolling shooter video game developed by Nova and published by Namco for the PC-Engine. Controlling the Blaster Mark II u0022Phoenixu0022 starfighter, the player is tasked with wiping out the Bosconian alien race before they destroy Earth. Wikipedia
Plot: Lode Runner: The Legend Returns is a 1994 remake of the classic Lode Runner video game. It was released for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Sega Saturn, and Sony PlayStation. The game is an example of the trap-em-up genre, which also includes games like Heiankyo Alien and Space Panic. Wikipedia
Plot: Lode Runner 2 is a computer game released in 1998 for Mac OS and Windows. It is a sequel to Lode Runner and its remakes. Like the earlier Lode Runner's Rescue, Lode Runner 2 has isometric-perspective 2D graphics. Wikipedia