Plot: Power Eleven is a 1991 Japan-exclusive football video game with top-down perspective, published by Hudson Soft for the PC Engine. It was part of the Power Sports Series, a series of sports games released between 1988 and 1998. The game was also released for the Wii Virtual Console on February 26, 2008...
Plot: Battle Lode Runner is a puzzle-platform game based on the Lode Runner series of games, originally released for the NEC PC Engine by Hudson Soft in 1993. It was released in Japan on May 29, 2007 and also released in the North American and European regions for the first time in April 2007 for the Wii...
Plot: Digital Champ: Battle Boxing is a single-player video game released in 1989 for TurboGrafx-16 by Naxat Soft. The game was released to the Wii Virtual Console in Japan on April 15, 2008, Europe on May 16, 2008, and in North America on October 20, 2008. It was released in the mid-2010s for the Wii Virtual...