Plot: Double Hawk is a shoot 'em up video game for the Sega Master System. The basic premise of the game was that in the 1990s violence was spreading across the globe, brought forth by a group of terrorists. The protagonists, John Jackson and Jack Thomas, are sent into battle to eradicate all threats. Wikipedia...
Plot: Final Blaster is a 1990 vertical-scrolling shooter video game developed by Nova and published by Namco for the PC-Engine. Controlling the Blaster Mark II u0022Phoenixu0022 starfighter, the player is tasked with wiping out the Bosconian alien race before they destroy Earth. Wikipedia
Plot: Lucienne's Quest is a role-playing video game developed by Microcabin for the 3DO, and is the sole traditional Japanese role-playing game released for the system. The story follows Lucienne, a teenage girl who sets off on an adventure to find a cure for a man's lycanthropy. Wikipedia
Plot: Pocket Tennis Color is a game from the Pocket Sports series for the Neo Geo Pocket Color handheld game system. It features eight main characters with two secret, unlockable tennis pros. Wikipedia
Plot: Time Cruise is a sci-fi themed pinball video game released for the Turbografx-16 game system on November 8, 1991. The game was released exclusively on the Turbografx-16 to compete against the popular Crush series of pinball video games by Compile. The game was followed up with a sequel, Time Cruise...
Plot: Stakes Winner 2 is a horse racing arcade video game developed by Saurus, with additional support from AM Factory, and originally published by SNK on September 24, 1996. It is the sequel to the original Stakes Winner, which was released earlier in 1995 on multiple platforms. Wikipedia