Plot: Koihime Musō: Doki Otome Darake no Sangokushi Engi is a series of Japanese adult visual novels and strategy video games primarily developed and published by BaseSon for the Windows and is based on the classic 14th century Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. Wikipedia
Plot: Acceleration of Suguri X Edition is a 2011 Japanese fighting video game developed by Japanese indie game developer Orange Juice. It was made for the PlayStation Network and later ported to Microsoft Windows in the Suguri Collection on Steam. Wikipedia
Plot: Chaos Code is a fighting game series developed by FK Digital and published by Arc System Works. The first game known as Chaos Code: Sign of Catastrophe was released for Sega's RingWide arcade system board on August 4, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Bloody Roar Extreme, or Bloody Roar: Primal Fury as it is known outside of its Japan release for the GameCube, is a fighting game developed by Eighting released in 2002 for the Nintendo GameCube. It was later ported to the Microsoft Xbox under the original moniker of Bloody Roar Extreme in 2003. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Rumble Fish 2 is a 2D fighting game for the Atomiswave arcade platform. It was produced by Dimps and published by Sammy. It is the sequel to The Rumble Fish, bringing in several new additions. A re-release on Taito's NESiCAxLive arcade digital delivery service was made available in 2012. Wikipedia...