Plot: Akatsuki Blitzkampf is a series of Japanese dōjin 2D fighting game, developed by the dōjin circle SUBTLE STYLE for Microsoft Windows. It first released in November 2003 under the name Akatsuki Shisei Ichigō, prior being finalized and retitled on April 30, 2007 as Akatsuki Blitzkampf. Wikipedia
Plot: Bloody Roar Extreme, or Bloody Roar: Primal Fury as it is known outside of its Japan release for the GameCube, is a fighting game developed by Eighting released in 2002 for the Nintendo GameCube. It was later ported to the Microsoft Xbox under the original moniker of Bloody Roar Extreme in 2003. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Rumble Fish 2 is a 2D fighting game for the Atomiswave arcade platform. It was produced by Dimps and published by Sammy. It is the sequel to The Rumble Fish, bringing in several new additions. A re-release on Taito's NESiCAxLive arcade digital delivery service was made available in 2012. Wikipedia...
Plot: Arcana Heart 3 is a 2011 2D arcade fighting game developed by Team Arcana and published by Arc System Works. It is the third entry in the Arcana Heart series, following the events of Arcana Heart 2. The game went through location tests in Japan starting in late 2011, and was officially released on...
Plot: Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior, originally released in Japan as Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden, is the 1996 third entry in the Art of Fighting series. The game cast is composed of new characters, save for Robert Garcia and Ryo Sakazaki; Yuri Sakazaki also appears in the game, but as a non-playable...
Plot: Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match is a 2011 2D arcade fighting game developed by Examu. It is a joint collaboration between Aquaplus and Leaf, who developed all the titles and featured characters. Wikipedia
Plot: Street Fighter EX2 is a 2D head-to-head fighting game with 3D graphics co-produced by Capcom and Arika and originally released in 1998 as a coin-operated arcade game for the Sony ZN-2 hardware. It is the sequel to the original Street Fighter EX, a 3D spin-off of the Street Fighter series. Wikipedia