Plot: Koihime Musō: Doki Otome Darake no Sangokushi Engi is a series of Japanese adult visual novels and strategy video games primarily developed and published by BaseSon for the Windows and is based on the classic 14th century Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. Wikipedia
Plot: Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match is a 2011 2D arcade fighting game developed by Examu. It is a joint collaboration between Aquaplus and Leaf, who developed all the titles and featured characters. Wikipedia
Plot: Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel is a fighting game developed by Examu and published by Nitroplus. The game crosses over heroines from various visual novels and games released by Nitroplus, as well as those from manga and anime series that Nitroplus writers have been involved with. Wikipedia...
Plot: Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax is a 2D arcade fighting game developed by Ecole Software and French Bread and published by Sega. The game celebrates the 20th anniversary of ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Bunko imprint, featuring various characters from light novels published under the imprint. Wikipedia