Plot: Crazy Arcade is a free Korean online multiplayer game developed by Nexon. It has offered up to five different game modes throughout its history: Bomb and Bubbles, Tetris, Hidden Catch, Dizzy Pang, and Bz. However, the latter four were eventually removed from the game. Wikipedia
Plot: Golden Axe is a side-scrolling hack and slash arcade video game released in 1989 by Sega for its System 16-B arcade hardware. Makoto Uchida was the lead designer of the game, and was also responsible for the creation of the previous year's Altered Beast. Wikipedia
Plot: Bubble Shooter is a clone of the Puzzle Bobble arcade game that was released by Taito in 1994. The Bubble Shooter game and IP are owned by Ilyon Dynamics, after they were acquired from Absolutist who released the original game in 2002. The game was ported to iOS in 2010, and was ported to Android in...
Plot: Crazyracing KartRider is an online multiplayer racing game developed by Nexon Korea Corporation. It is part of the Crazy Arcade franchise. It earns revenue by selling virtual items within the in-game shop, including different types of vehicles and spraypaints. Wikipedia