Plot: Point Blank, known as Gun Bullet, or Gunvari in Japan, is a series of light gun shooter games developed by Namco for the arcade, PlayStation and Nintendo DS; the trilogy was first released in arcade in 1994 and was later ported onto the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Golden Axe is a side-scrolling hack and slash arcade video game released in 1989 by Sega for its System 16-B arcade hardware. Makoto Uchida was the lead designer of the game, and was also responsible for the creation of the previous year's Altered Beast. Wikipedia
Plot: Legions: Overdrive, formerly Fallen Empire: Legions, was a browser-based science fiction first-person shooter video game by GarageGames on InstantAction. Announced in January 2007, Legions was developed as a spiritual successor to Tribes, borrowing many gameplay elements from the series. Wikipedia