Plot: Bubble Shooter is a clone of the Puzzle Bobble arcade game that was released by Taito in 1994. The Bubble Shooter game and IP are owned by Ilyon Dynamics, after they were acquired from Absolutist who released the original game in 2002. The game was ported to iOS in 2010, and was ported to Android in...
Plot: Crazy Arcade is a free Korean online multiplayer game developed by Nexon. It has offered up to five different game modes throughout its history: Bomb and Bubbles, Tetris, Hidden Catch, Dizzy Pang, and Bz. However, the latter four were eventually removed from the game. Wikipedia
Plot: Crazyracing KartRider is an online multiplayer racing game developed by Nexon Korea Corporation. It is part of the Crazy Arcade franchise. It earns revenue by selling virtual items within the in-game shop, including different types of vehicles and spraypaints. Wikipedia
Plot: TalesWeaver is a Korean online game created by Softmax. The game plot is based on the Korean novel Children of the Rune. It is currently kept in Nexon. It is a game that has eight episodes and one character unique to TalesWeaver. TalesWeaver currently has servers in Korea, Taiwan and Japan. Wikipedia...
Plot: Sudden Attack is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter online game developed by the South Korean company GameHi. On December 2, 2013, Nexon America CEO Min Kim announced plans to discontinue Sudden Attack North American service. Nexon America terminated Sudden Attack on January 29, 2014....
Plot: MapleStory 2 is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online role-playing game, developed by NSquare in association with Nexon and NCSoft. MapleStory 2 was released on 7 July 2015 in Korea. The game takes many of the features of the original game, MapleStory, and applies them to a 3D voxel-based environment...
Plot: Tales Runner is a Massive multiplayer online game created by the South Korean company Rhaon Entertainment and published by Smilegate. It combines the genres of social, fantasy and racing games; players compete by running, jumping, dashing, skiing and climbing across different magical fairy tale settings...
Plot: TERA, also known as TERA Online, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Bluehole Studio. The game was released in South Korea on 25 January 2011, in North America on 1 May 2012, and in Europe on 3 May 2012, with closed and open beta tests taking place before the launch dates...
Plot: Elsword is a free-to-play, 2.5D action MMORPG developed by the South Korean company KOG Studios. It features real-time action gameplay and includes both player vs. environment and player vs. player modes. There are thirteen playable characters within the game, each with unique backstories and distinct...