Plot: Mafia Wars was a multiplayer social network game created by Zynga. In Mafia Wars the players assume the roles of gangsters building their own mafia organization. The players fight other players online, rob other players, and complete jobs, missions, and operations to gain rewards and strength in the...
Plot: Free Rider HD is a platform racing browser game developed by Canadian studio Kano/Apps and Polish studio One More Level, with player-created levels. It was released on web browsers in 2014 and brought to mobile devices in 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Arcane Legends is a free-to-play hack and slash multiplayer mobile game originally launched in 2012 by Spacetime Studios for Microsoft Windows, iOS, Android and Google Chrome. It is the fourth title in Spacetime Studios' Legends series, after Pocket Legends, Star Legends and Dark Legends. Wikipedia
Plot: The Ville is a defunct game by Zynga released on June 30, 2012 in which the object was to earn experience points by building a house and talking with neighbors. The game depended on energy, coins, and cash like many other Zynga games, but it also depended on happiness. Wikipedia