Plot: Montopia was a defunct social role-playing game, the first created by Zynga for mobile devices. Players attempt to uncover the truth about Montopia, a lost monster Utopia, while collecting and fusing monsters together to strengthen their abilities. The game was shut down on December 21, 2012. Wikipedia...
Plot: Treasure Isle is a defunct browser-based video game by Zynga for Facebook, launched in April 2010. It allowed users to dig for treasure on various islands. The game was discontinued on December 5, 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: FishVille is a defunct real-time aquarium simulation game developed by Zynga, it was available as an application on the social-networking website Facebook. The game allowed members of Facebook to manage virtual aquariums by rearing fish. As of October 2011, FishVille had 1.6 million monthly active...
Plot: Mafia Wars was a multiplayer social network game created by Zynga. In Mafia Wars the players assume the roles of gangsters building their own mafia organization. The players fight other players online, rob other players, and complete jobs, missions, and operations to gain rewards and strength in the...
Plot: CastleVille is a defunct social network game made by Zynga's Dallas studio and was released in November 2011. It combined a number of elements from the company's other Ville range of games. On launch it had received a million likes on Facebook. Wikipedia
Plot: ChefVille is a defunct multiplayer restaurant simulation social network game created by Zynga. The game was announced at Zynga's June 2012 Unleashed event, debuted August 2012 on Facebook, and was released October 3, 2012 on Wikipedia
Plot: The Ville is a defunct game by Zynga released on June 30, 2012 in which the object was to earn experience points by building a house and talking with neighbors. The game depended on energy, coins, and cash like many other Zynga games, but it also depended on happiness. Wikipedia
Plot: Hidden Chronicles is a defunct hidden object social game developed by Zynga and released in January 2012. It's available for play on the Facebook platform. It is Zynga's first hidden object game. Players earn points by finding hidden objects within scenes. Wikipedia
Plot: CityVille 2 is a defunct casual social city-building simulation game developed by Zynga and released globally on Facebook November 1, 2012. CityVille 2 was a 3D game that was story-based, with a mystery that unfolds as the players city evolves and it was a sequel to CityVille. Wikipedia
Plot: Ruby Blast is a match 3 arcade game by Zynga. The game was first released in June 2012 on Facebook and and later re-branded to Ruby Blast Adventures after Zynga added a new mode with map progression. An iOS version of Ruby Blast was released in November 2012 with an Android version expected...
Plot: Bubble Safari is a defunct Match 3 social network game by Zynga. The object is to help a monkey named Bubbles reconnect with his friends. Following its May 2012 release, Bubble Safari became the fastest-growing Facebook game, with 1.9 million active users for the week of July 9. PC Magazine ranked...
Plot: Zynga Bingo is a social network game developed by Zynga and released on Facebook in February 2012. The game is part of a larger franchise called Zynga Casino, which was announced in October 2011 at the company's Unleashed event, and also includes Zynga Poker. Wikipedia
Plot: Indiana Jones Adventure World is a defunct adventure game for the social network Facebook, released in 2011. It is the first game made by Zynga's Boston development studio, made up of developers from Conduit Labs and Floodgate Entertainment. Wikipedia