Plot: Mansion of Hidden Souls, also called Tale of the Dream Mansion in Japan, is a point and click adventure video game released for the Sega CD, developed by System Sacom and published by Sega in Japan and by Vic Tokai in the United States. Wikipedia
Plot: A-Rank Thunder Tanjouhen is an adventure game released in 1993 on Mega-CD. The game was developed by Riot and released by Telenet. The game's cover art was created by Yasushi Nirasawa, in his position as a model-builder for Hobby Japan magazine. Wikipedia
Plot: Nostalgia 1907 is a 1991 adventure video game developed and published by Sur de Wave. Originally released for the Sharp X68000, it was later ported to the FM Towns Marty, PC-9801, and Sega Mega CD. Wikipedia
Plot: Earnest Evans is a 1991 action platform game which was released in Japan for the Sega Mega-CD, and in North America for the Sega Genesis. The game was developed and published by Wolf Team in Japan, and was published in North America by Renovation. Wikipedia
Plot: Formula One World Championship: Beyond the Limit, released in Japan as Heavenly Symphony: Formula One World Championship 1993, is a racing game developed and published by Sega, with production assistance from by Fuji Television, and released for the Sega CD in 1994. Wikipedia