Plot: Fray in Magical Adventure, also known as just Fray and Fray-Xak Epilogue, is a 1990 spin-off gaiden game in a role-playing video game series Xak developed and published by the Japanese software developer MicroCabin. Wikipedia
Plot: Xak Precious Package: The Tower of Gazzel is a fantasy role-playing video game developed and published by the Japanese software developer MicroCabin. The game is a direct sequel to Xak: The Art of Visual Stage and Xak II: The Rising of the Red Moon. Wikipedia
Plot: Xak II: Rising of the Redmoon is a fantasy role-playing video game developed and published by the Japanese software developer MicroCabin. It is a direct sequel to Xak: The Art of Visual Stage. Wikipedia
Plot: Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence is the final game in a fantasy role-playing video game series called Xak developed and published by the Japanese software developers MicroCabin and NEC. Wikipedia
Plot: Xak: The Art of Visual Stage is the first game in the fantasy role-playing video game series Xak developed and published by Micro Cabin. Wikipedia
Plot: Nostalgia 1907 is a 1991 adventure video game developed and published by Sur de Wave. Originally released for the Sharp X68000, it was later ported to the FM Towns Marty, PC-9801, and Sega Mega CD. Wikipedia
Plot: Xak I & II is a re-release of Xak and Xak II, a fantasy role-playing video game series Xak developed and published by the Japanese software developer MicroCabin and Telenet Japan's development team Riot. Wikipedia
Plot: The Tower of Cabin is an unusual spinoff of the fantasy role-playing video game series called Xak by the Japanese developer MicroCabin. The Tower of Cabin was released just before MicroCabin decided to discontinue the development of Xak III for MSX. The Tower of Cabin was also ported to the NEC PC9801...
Plot: Deathbringer is a 1991 hack and slash action role-playing video game developed by Oxford Digital Enterprises and published by Empire that was released for the Amiga, DOS, and Atari ST. Wikipedia