Plot: FishVille is a defunct real-time aquarium simulation game developed by Zynga, it was available as an application on the social-networking website Facebook. The game allowed members of Facebook to manage virtual aquariums by rearing fish. As of October 2011, FishVille had 1.6 million monthly active...
Plot: SmallWorlds was an online virtual world and social network service created by Outsmart Games, a privately owned company based in Auckland, New Zealand. The virtual world used Adobe Flash and ran inside a web browser. It integrated with YouTube, Flickr, SoundCloud, and a number of other Web 2.0 services...
Plot: Treasure Isle is a defunct browser-based video game by Zynga for Facebook, launched in April 2010. It allowed users to dig for treasure on various islands. The game was discontinued on December 5, 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: CityVille is a defunct casual social city-building game developed by Zynga, and released in December 2010. A sequel, CityVille 2, was released in December 2012. It was closed down on February, 2013 just three months after the game's release. CityVille was shut down on April 30, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Twinity is a 3D online virtual world. Initially developed by Metaversum GmbH, it is currently held by ExitReality. The game offers its population, called Twinizens, to navigate around virtual versions of real-world cities, also called a mirror world or a Metaverse. Wikipedia
Plot: Pet Society was a social-network game developed by Playfish that could be played on Facebook. The game ranked as one of the most popular Facebook applications. Players could design their pets by choosing genders, names, colors and altering appearances. Wikipedia
Plot: CastleVille is a defunct social network game made by Zynga's Dallas studio and was released in November 2011. It combined a number of elements from the company's other Ville range of games. On launch it had received a million likes on Facebook. Wikipedia
Plot: FarmVille was an agriculture-simulation social network game developed and published by Zynga in 2009. It is similar to Happy Farm, and Farm Town. Its gameplay involves various aspects of farmland management, such as plowing land, planting, growing, and harvesting crops, harvesting trees and raising...
Plot: ChefVille is a defunct multiplayer restaurant simulation social network game created by Zynga. The game was announced at Zynga's June 2012 Unleashed event, debuted August 2012 on Facebook, and was released October 3, 2012 on Wikipedia
Plot: Mafia Wars was a multiplayer social network game created by Zynga. In Mafia Wars the players assume the roles of gangsters building their own mafia organization. The players fight other players online, rob other players, and complete jobs, missions, and operations to gain rewards and strength in the...