Plot: Twinity is a 3D online virtual world. Initially developed by Metaversum GmbH, it is currently held by ExitReality. The game offers its population, called Twinizens, to navigate around virtual versions of real-world cities, also called a mirror world or a Metaverse. Wikipedia
Plot: SmallWorlds was an online virtual world and social network service created by Outsmart Games, a privately owned company based in Auckland, New Zealand. The virtual world used Adobe Flash and ran inside a web browser. It integrated with YouTube, Flickr, SoundCloud, and a number of other Web 2.0 services...
Plot: vSide was an Internet-based 3D virtual world that was launched on May 15, 2006. The game is in its public beta phase. However, the game appears to have been discontinued as of 2021. Wikipedia
Plot: Active Worlds is an online virtual world, developed by ActiveWorlds Inc., a company based in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and launched on June 28, 1995. Users assign themselves a name, log into the Active Worlds universe, and explore 3D virtual worlds and environments that others have built. Wikipedia...
Plot: YoWorld is a browser-based virtual world game which was released on May 8, 2008. It is currently developed by Big Viking Games. The game operates on the freemium model, and is supported through microtransactions, as well as a voluntary in-game ad program. Wikipedia
Plot: Blue Mars was a 3D massively multiplayer virtual world platform beta. The platform, being developed by Hawaii-based Avatar Reality, allows 3rd parties to create virtual worlds, MMOG games, simulations, shops, businesses, entertainment venues, clothing, custom avatars, furniture, virtual homes, and...
Plot: Lady Popular is a freemium, online fashion game for iOS and Android developed by the Bulgarian software company XS Software. The game was originally released in the end of 2009, and in August 2012, the second major version was officially released as a separate game under the name Lady Popular Fashion...
Plot: Poptropica is an online role-playing game, developed in 2007 by Pearson Education's Family Education Network, and targeted towards children aged 6 to 15. Poptropica was primarily the creation of Jeff Kinney, the author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. As of 2015, he remains at the company as the...
Plot: Habbo is an online community aimed at teens and young adults. Habbo is owned and operated by Sulake, a Finnish company. Founded in 2000, Habbo has expanded to nine online communities, with users in more than 150 countries. Wikipedia
Plot: Miami Nights: Singles in the City is a dating simulation game for the J2ME Platform, Nintendo DS and BlackBerry. It is based on the successful Gameloft Nights franchise for mobile phones which has generated more than 4 million downloads. Wikipedia