Plot: Yomawari: Midnight Shadows, known in Japan as Shin Yomawari is a survival horror video game developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Steam. The game is a sequel to Yomawari: Night Alone, which originally released in 2015 in Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Yomawari: Night Alone is a survival horror video game created and developed by Nippon Ichi Software for the PlayStation Vita and Steam. The game was released in Japan on October 29, 2015 and in English in October 2016. A sequel, Yomawari: Midnight Shadows was released worldwide on October 24, 2017....
Plot: Hotaru no Nikki, stylised as htoL#NiQ, is a 2014 video game created by Japanese game developer Nippon Ichi Software for the PlayStation Vita and Microsoft Windows. The game is directed and designed by Masayuki Furuya. Wikipedia
Plot: The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is an action-adventure game developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software. It was released in Japan in May 2018 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita, and was released in western territories in February 2019 only for Switch and PlayStation...
Plot: A Rose in the Twilight is a puzzle-platform game with horror elements. A Rose in the Twilight was released on August 11, 2017, created by Japanese game developer Nippon Ichi Software for the PlayStation Vita and Microsoft Windows. The game is directed and designed by Masayuki Furuya. Wikipedia
Plot: The Longest Five Minutes is a unique role-playing game released for the Nintendo Switch, developed by Nippon Ichi Software and published by NIS America.
Plot: Mad Rat Dead is a rhythm platform video game developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software and published in North America and Europe by NIS America. The game was released for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in Japan on October 29, 2020, and in North America and Europe on October 30, 2020. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Lost Child is a 2017 role-playing videogame developed by Crim for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Nintendo Switch. Set in modern-day Tokyo, The Lost Child is a follow-up to 2011's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron. Wikipedia