Plot: The Longest Five Minutes is a unique role-playing game released for the Nintendo Switch, developed by Nippon Ichi Software and published by NIS America.
Plot: Fallen Legion is a role-playing video game series developed by Indonesian studio Mintsphere and YummyYummyTummy. The games are a series of action-based sidescrolling RPGs in the style of traditional JRPGs. Wikipedia
Plot: SNK 40th Anniversary Collection is a video game compilation developed by Digital Eclipse consisting of arcade and console games published by SNK between 1979 and 1990. The collection was released for the Nintendo Switch in 2018, PlayStation 4 on 19 March 2019, Xbox One on 3 May 2019, and Steam on 7...
Plot: The Lost Child is a 2017 role-playing videogame developed by Crim for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Nintendo Switch. Set in modern-day Tokyo, The Lost Child is a follow-up to 2011's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron. Wikipedia