Plot: We Rule was a free-to-play mobile game developed by Newtoy and published by ngmoco for the iOS platform. It was available for download on the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad on the App Store or iTunes, and attracted many users since its release in March 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: GodFinger was a game developed by Wonderland Software and published by ngmoco for the iOS platform, which reached #1 on the US App Store. It is no longer available for download on the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad on the App Store or iTunes. Although a free app, customers are able to buy in-app purchases...
Plot: CastleVille is a defunct social network game made by Zynga's Dallas studio and was released in November 2011. It combined a number of elements from the company's other Ville range of games. On launch it had received a million likes on Facebook. Wikipedia