Plot: CastleVille is a defunct social network game made by Zynga's Dallas studio and was released in November 2011. It combined a number of elements from the company's other Ville range of games. On launch it had received a million likes on Facebook. Wikipedia
Plot: Orcs Must Die! Unchained was the third installment in the Orcs Must Die! franchise from Robot Entertainment, available for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4. Wikipedia
Plot: Orcs Must Die! 2 is a trap based action-tower defense video game that Robot Entertainment developed as the follow-up to the original Orcs Must Die!, with Microsoft Game Studios publishing the sequel for Microsoft Windows on July 30, 2012 in the United States. Wikipedia
Plot: Age of Empires Online is a multiplayer online real-time strategy game developed by Robot Entertainment and Gas Powered Games, which released on August 16, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Afterfall: Insanity is a post-apocalyptic video game developed by Intoxicate Studios and published by Nicolas Entertainment Group. It was released for Microsoft Windows on 25 November 2011. Wikipedia