Plot: Aion: The Tower of Eternity is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by NCSOFT. The game combines PvP and PvE in a fantasy game environment. As of May 20, 2009, Aion had 3.5 million subscribers in Asia. Wikipedia
Plot: Gods of Boom, previously known as Guns of Boom, is an online multiplayer first-person shooter video game for mobile devices. It was developed by Game Insight and released on May 16, 2017, for iOS and Android. Wikipedia
Plot: Episode is an interactive story video game developed by Pocket Gems. The app is a storytelling network and platform that features interactive stories built for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Users enter one of 84,000 stories and make choices as the storyline progresses. Wikipedia
Plot: War Robots is mobile app game developed and published by the Russian game developer Pixonic. It is a third-person shooter with real-time PvP battles in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena mode. Players operate BattleTech-like robots on a live battlefield. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Mario Run is a 2016 platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for iOS and later Android. It is Nintendo's first mobile game that is part of one of the company's long-running and major franchises. Wikipedia
Plot: Top Eleven is an online football manager simulation developed and published by Nordeus in May 2010, and is available on both Google Play Store and the App Store. The game can also be played on Facebook and it allows players to play against their friends. Wikipedia