Plot: ASTA: The War of Tears and Winds was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by South Korean developer Polygon Games. The game was in development from 2010 through mid-October 2013. Wikipedia
Plot: Chaos Rings is a role-playing video game series released primarily on mobile platforms. It is developed by Media.Vision and published by Square Enix. The eponymous first game in the series was released for iOS in 2010, then later ported to other mobile and portable platforms including Android and PlayStation...
Plot: Gladiator Begins is a fighting game developed by Japanese studio GOSHOW and published in Japan by Acquire on January 14, 2010, and in North America by Aksys Games on September 15, 2010. It is the prequel to the 2005 video game Colosseum: Road to Freedom, which was originally released for the PlayStation...