Plot: CrimeCraft was a free-to-play online Persistent World Next-generation Shooter dubbed PWNS by Ukrainian developer Vogster Entertainment and published at retail by THQ. The game is set in the near future where the world lies in anarchy and gangs have replaced governments. CrimeCraft shut down on August...
Plot: Brawl Busters was a free-to-play Online Multiplayer Action video game developed by Korean developer, SkeinGlobe, and published by Toronto-based publisher, Rock Hippo Productions, for the PC. The game was officially released on December 15, 2011, and the servers were closed on September 4, 2013. Wikipedia...
Plot: Exteel was a third-person shooter game published by NCSOFT, a Korean game company, and was developed by NCSOFT's E & G Studios. Players controlled giant vehicles called Mechanaughts and fought against the computer, or against other online players, in a variety of gameplay modes. The Mechanaughts were...
Plot: Global Agenda was a class-based shooter online team-based game by Hi-Rez Studios developed using Unreal Engine 3. Global Agenda was started in 2005 as the studio's first project. The game went live on February 1, 2010. In April 2011, Global Agenda was re-released as a free-to-play game. Wikipedia
Plot: Blade & Soul is a Korean fantasy martial-arts massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by NCSOFT. Blade & Soul was released in Western territories in January 19, 2016. A Japanese animated television adaptation aired on April 3, 2014 on TBS and other stations then finished on June 26...