Plot: Ikariam is a browser-based massively multiplayer online game of the strategy genre produced and maintained by Gameforge AG. The game is set in the era of classical Greece in an archipelago, with players being made ruler of a small town, which they must expand and lead. Ikariam has received generally...
Plot: OGame is a browser-based, money-management and space-war themed massively multiplayer online browser game with over two million accounts. OGame was created in 2002 and is produced and maintained by Gameforge. OGame is available in multiple languages, and different nationalities have their own communities...
Plot: Travian Games GmbH, based in Munich, is a medium-sized German company in the software industry that has specialized in developing and marketing PC and browser games. Travian Games also acts as an international publisher for selected game titles. Wikipedia
Plot: Kingdom Under Fire II is a video game set in a high fantasy setting developed by Blueside which merges real-time strategy, role-playing game and massively multiplayer online game genres. The game has a single-player and an online multiplayer mode. Wikipedia