Plot: Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles is a 1996 computer wargame developed and published by Strategic Simulations. It is the sequel to Steel Panthers and the second entry in the Steel Panthers series. The game was designed by Gary Grigsby and Keith Brors. Like its predecessor, Steel Panthers II was a commercial...
Plot: Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command 1939 1999 is a 1997 computer wargame developed and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. It is the third game in the Steel Panthers series, following Steel Panthers and Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles. Like its predecessors, it was designed by Gary Grigsby and...
Plot: Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command 1939 1999 is a 1997 computer wargame developed and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. It is the third game in the Steel Panthers series, following Steel Panthers and Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles. Like its predecessors, it was designed by Gary Grigsby and...
Plot: Gary Grigsby's War in Russia is a 1993 computer wargame developed and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. Designed by Gary Grigsby, it is adapted from the 1990 title Second Front: Germany Turns East, itself adapted from Grigsby's 1984 War in Russia. Wikipedia
Plot: Typhoon of Steel is a 1988 computer wargame designed by Gary Grigsby and published by Strategic Simulations Inc. A follow-up to Grigsby's game Panzer Strike, it simulates military conflict during World War II. Wikipedia
Plot: Western Front: The Liberation of Europe 1944 1945 is a 1991 computer wargame developed and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. It was designed by Gary Grigsby. Wikipedia
Plot: Uncommon Valor: Campaign for the South Pacific is a 2002 computer wargame developed by 2 by 3 Games and published by Matrix Games. Designed by Gary Grigsby, it is a successor to Gary Grigsby's Pacific War and a precursor to War in the Pacific. Wikipedia
Plot: Kampfgruppe is a 1985 computer wargame designed by Gary Grigsby and published by Strategic Simulations for the Apple II, Atari 8-bit family, and Commodore 64. Kampfgruppe is a game of Eastern Front combat with tactical-scale combat. An MS-DOS port was released in 1987 followed by an Amiga version in...
Plot: Panzer Strike is a 1988 tactical wargame that simulates small unit actions during World War II. It was made for Apple II and Commodore 64 and was released by Strategic Simulations. Panzer Strike spawned the follow-up titles Typhoon of Steel and Overrun!, which reuse the game's engine and mechanics....
Plot: Second Front: Germany Turns East is a 1990 computer wargame developed and published by Strategic Simulations Inc. Designed by Gary Grigsby, it is a spiritual successor to his earlier game War in Russia. Wikipedia
Plot: North Atlantic '86 is a 1983 computer wargame written by Gary Grigsby and published by Strategic Simulations. The game covers a hypothetical conflict between NATO and the Soviet Union. A Macintosh version was released in 1986. North Atlantic '86 was Grigsby's third game. Wikipedia