Plot: Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command 1939 1999 is a 1997 computer wargame developed and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. It is the third game in the Steel Panthers series, following Steel Panthers and Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles. Like its predecessors, it was designed by Gary Grigsby and...
Plot: Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command 1939 1999 is a 1997 computer wargame developed and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. It is the third game in the Steel Panthers series, following Steel Panthers and Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles. Like its predecessors, it was designed by Gary Grigsby and...
Plot: Steel Panthers is a series of computer wargames, developed and published by several different companies, with various games simulating war battles from 1930 to 2025. The first Steel Panthers game was released in 1995, and the most recent update was released in 2018 and is still updated regularly. Wikipedia...
Plot: Unknown Horizons is a city-building game and real-time strategy game, inspired by the Anno series. It is released under the GNU General Public License and is therefore free and open source software. Much of the artwork is open content under e.g. CC BY-SA Creative Commons licenses. Wikipedia
Plot: War in the Pacific: The Struggle Against Japan 1941 1945 is a 2004 computer wargame developed by 2 by 3 Games and published by Matrix Games. Designed by Gary Grigsby and Keith Brors, it is the successor to Gary Grigsby's Pacific War and Uncommon Valor: Campaign for the South Pacific. Wikipedia
Plot: Decisive Battles of WWII Vol 2: Korsun Pocket is a computer wargame developed by the Strategic Studies Group. It is the second game in the Decisive Battles of WWII series, following Decisive Battles of WWII: The Ardennes Offensive. Korsun Pocket received critical acclaim and a number of awards. Wikipedia...
Plot: Armored Brigade is a real-time tactical wargame, focusing on realism and playability. The first incarnation of the game was published in 2008 and the most recent version was released in January 2016; marking last freeware version to be published. Wikipedia
Plot: Commander Europe at War is a World War II turn-based strategy computer game. The game was codeveloped by Slitherine Software and Firepower Entertainment, and allows gamers to play either the Axis or the Allies. Wikipedia
Plot: Gary Grigsby's Pacific War is a 1992 strategy wargame released by Strategic Simulations, Inc.. It covers World War II in the Pacific between the Japanese Empire and the Allies, which include the United States, the British Empire, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Philippines, and...
Plot: Decisive Battles of WWII: Battles in Normandy is a 2004 computer wargame developed by Strategic Studies Group and published by Matrix Games. It is the third game in the Decisive Battles of WWII series, following The Ardennes Offensive and Korsun Pocket. Wikipedia
Plot: Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles is a 1996 computer wargame developed and published by Strategic Simulations. It is the sequel to Steel Panthers and the second entry in the Steel Panthers series. The game was designed by Gary Grigsby and Keith Brors. Like its predecessor, Steel Panthers II was a commercial...