Plot: Wangan Midnight is a racing game developed by Genki for the PlayStation 3. It is based on the Award-winning Japanese comic of the same name created by Michiharu Kusunoki back in 1992. The Wangan Midnight PlayStation 3 Blu-ray was released in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan on July 5, 2007. Wikipedia...
Plot: Ollie King is an arcade skateboard racing game developed by Amusement Vision and published by Sega for Sega Chihiro hardware in March 2004, following limited location tests in late 2003. The game was revealed at Tokyo's JAMMA Arcade Show in 2003. It was created by the same team that developed Jet Set...
Plot: Virtua Cop 3 is the third and final game from Sega's Virtua Cop light gun shooter franchise released exclusively for video arcades in 2003. The game is available in standard and deluxe cabinet formats and runs on Sega Chihiro arcade hardware. A port for the Xbox was planned, but cancelled. Wikipedia...
Plot: Ghost Squad and Ghost Squad: Evolution are light gun rail shooter arcade games developed and published by Sega. A home version of the original Ghost Squad was developed for Nintendo's Wii game console. A sequel, Operation GHOST, was released in arcades in 2012. Wikipedia