Plot: Wangan Midnight is a racing game developed by Genki for the PlayStation 3. It is based on the Award-winning Japanese comic of the same name created by Michiharu Kusunoki back in 1992. The Wangan Midnight PlayStation 3 Blu-ray was released in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan on July 5, 2007. Wikipedia...
Plot: Mario Kart Arcade GP is an arcade sub-series of Nintendo's Mario Kart series, developed and published by Namco and later Bandai Namco Games under license from Nintendo. Wikipedia
Plot: Star Wars Battle Pod is a 2014 arcade game based on the franchise Star Wars. It was unveiled at the New York Comic-Con on October 8, 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Let's Go Jungle!: Lost on the Island of Spice is a joystick-mounted gun arcade game by Sega. The game was released on June 27, 2006. Players take the roles of Ben and Norah stranded on a jungle island which has been overrun by monsters. Wikipedia
Plot: Sega Race TV is a racing game for the Sega Lindbergh arcade system board. It was released on February 19, 2008 in Japan, July 4, 2008 in the US and on March 13, 2009 in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Mach Storm is a 2013 combat flight simulation arcade game developed and published by Namco Bandai Games. The player controls a fighter craft, the leader of the Storm Squadron, in a mission to prevent a terrorist group from attacking major cities worldwide. Wikipedia