Plot: Midnight Mutants is an action-adventure game for the Atari 7800 ProSystem, developed by Radioactive Software and published by Atari Corporation in 1990. It features a likeness of Al Lewis, dressed as Grandpa Munster, playing the role of Grampa. Wikipedia
Plot: Food Fight is an arcade game developed by General Computer Corporation and released by Atari, Inc. in March 1983. The player guides Charley Chuck, who is trying to eat an ice cream cone before it melts, while avoiding four chefs bent on stopping him. 1,951 arcade cabinets were sold. Wikipedia
Plot: Coca-Cola Kid is a Japan-exclusive Sega Game Gear side-scrolling action video game released in 1994. The game stars the Coca-Cola Kid, Coca-Cola's Japanese mascot of the 1990s. In addition to a standalone release, it was also included with a special red Game Gear bundle. Wikipedia
Plot: Beavis and Butt-Head were three tie-in video games based on the animated television series of the same name that were released by Viacom New Media in 1994 for the Super NES, Genesis/Mega Drive and Game Gear. Wikipedia