Plot: Valkyrie no Bōken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu is a video game developed and published by Namco. It was released in Japan for the Family Computer on August 1, 1986, for the Virtual Console on March 20, 2007, for the Nintendo 3DS on September 4, 2013 and for the Wii U on February 4, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Valkyrie no Densetsu is a 1989 action-adventure role-playing arcade game developed and published in Japan by Namco. It is a follow-up to the Family Computer game Valkyrie no Bōken. Wikipedia
Plot: Cool World is a 1993 action game for the Nintendo Entertainment System that is loosely based on the movie Cool World. Different games based on the film were also released for the SNES and various personal computers. Wikipedia
Plot: The Glory of Walküre is an action role-playing video game released for Japanese mobile phones in 2007. It was ported to the Android in 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: Marvel Land is a platform arcade game released by Namco in 1990; it runs on theNamco System 2 hardware, and was later ported to the Sega Genesis in 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Midnight Mutants is an action-adventure game for the Atari 7800 ProSystem, developed by Radioactive Software and published by Atari Corporation in 1990. It features a likeness of Al Lewis, dressed as Grandpa Munster, playing the role of Grampa. Wikipedia
Plot: Cosmo Gang the Puzzle is a 1992 falling tile puzzle arcade game developed and published in Japan by Namco. It is the third game in the Cosmo Gang series, succeeding Cosmo Gang the Video. Players stack blocks and pink-colored aliens together, the objective being to clear as many of these as possible...
Plot: Sky Mission is a 1992 combat flight simulation video game developed by Malibu Interactive and published by Namco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Wikipedia