Plot: Sportsfriends is a party video game created by the Danish independent developer collective Die Gute Fabrik. It consists of four games: Johann Sebastian Joust, Super Pole Riders, BaraBariBall, and Hokra. Wikipedia
Plot: Treadnauts is a 2D multiplayer action video game developed by Topstitch Games. Treadnauts was released on August 17, 2018 for Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia
Plot: Videoball is a minimalist sports video game by Action Button Entertainment. Up to six human and computer-controlled players form two teams. Each uses an analog stick and a single button to control triangles that shoot charged projectiles at a ball and other players. Wikipedia
Plot: QWOP is a 2008 ragdoll-based browser video game created by Bennett Foddy, formerly the bassist of Cut Copy. Players control an athlete named Qwop using only the Q, W, O, and P keys. The game became an internet meme in December 2010. The game helped Foddy's site reach 30 million hits. Wikipedia
Plot: Laser League is a futuristic sports video game by Roll7, the creators of OlliOlli. Two teams of one, two or three players apiece compete to outlast their opponents by setting up moving lasers in an arena. Wikipedia
Plot: TowerFall is an action indie video game created by Maddy Thorson through their company Matt Makes Games. In the game, players control up to four archers in a multiplayer platform fighter. Wikipedia
Plot: Death Squared is a puzzle video game developed and published by SMG Studio. It was released in 2017 for Microsoft Windows, macOS and Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox One, and in 2018 for iOS and Android. Wikipedia