Plot: Super Mario Bros. Special was made by Hudson Soft in 1986 for the NEC-PC8801 and Sharp X1 series of Japanese PCs. SMB Special was the first Nintendo-licensed sequel to Super Mario Bros., released shortly before Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels.
Plot: Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters is an educational game for the SNES and MS-DOS, teaching the basics of English to children. It released on MS-DOS in 1993 and SNES in 1994. It was the predecessor to Mario's Early Years: Fun with Numbers.
Plot: Wrecking Crew '98 is a sequel to Wrecking Crew released in 1998 for the Super Famicom's Nintendo Power service. In this game, the goal is not to simply destroy all the panels, but to destroy more panels than your opponent.
Plot: Mario the Juggler is a Game & Watch game that was released in 1991. It is the last Game & Watch handheld. In the game, you control Mario as he juggles various objects around. The game resembles the very first Game & Watch game, simply known as Ball.
Plot: Mario's Bombs Away is a game released as a Game & Watch. The game consisted of moving a military-clad Mario from left to right and strategically placing bombs.
Plot: Famicom Grand Prix II: 3D Hot Rally is a Famicom Disk System racing game released in 1988 by Nintendo. The game features Mario and Luigi on the cover, though they are not present in the actual game.
Plot: Donkey Kong: Jungle Fever is an arcade game that was released in 2005, being developed and published by Capcom only in Japan. It is a sequel to the GameCube video game Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat, which was released shortly before this game. Because this game was only released in Japan, not much is known...