Plot: Super Mario Fushigi no Korokoro Party is a Japan-only game that was released in 2004. It is the first and only game in the Mario Party Series to be on an arcade, and is also the only one to be developed by Capcom. Unlike previous Mario Party games before it, this game lets 6 people play at one time...
Plot: Wrecking Crew '98 is a sequel to Wrecking Crew released in 1998 for the Super Famicom's Nintendo Power service. In this game, the goal is not to simply destroy all the panels, but to destroy more panels than your opponent.
Plot: Mario Golf: Advance Tour is a role-playing video game-styled sports game developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance in 2004. The game is the sequel to the Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf and the Game Boy Advance counterpart of Mario Golf: Toadstool...
Plot: Donkey Kong: Jungle Fever is an arcade game that was released in 2005, being developed and published by Capcom only in Japan. It is a sequel to the GameCube video game Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat, which was released shortly before this game. Because this game was only released in Japan, not much is known...
Plot: Mario Party 4 is a party video game developed by Hudson Soft and published by Nintendo for the GameCube. The fourth installment in the Mario Party series, it was first released in North America in October 2002, followed by Japan and Europe a month later. Wikipedia
Plot: Punch Ball Mario Bros. is a game developed by Hudson Soft in 1984. There were versions of the game made for the PC-6001mkII/NEC PC-6601, PC-8801, FM-7, Sharp X1, Sharp MZ-1500, and IBM-JX. It was very similar to Mario Bros., but with the addition of Punch Balls, a new attack method against enemies.
Plot: Mario Party Advance is a party video game developed by Hudson Soft and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance. Released in 2005, it is the first handheld game in the Mario Party series, and differs from other titles in that the game is mostly single-player. Wikipedia