Plot: Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, is a 1997 platforming video game developed by Tectoy for the Sega Master System. It was based on the eponymous series broadcast in the 1970s, which in turn was based on the book series by Monteiro Lobato. As Férias Frustradas do Pica-Pau it was released in Brazil only. Wikipedia...
Plot: Blade Eagle 3-D is a vertical rail shooter video game, developed and published by Sega and was first released on March 26, 1988 in Japan for the Mark III as Gold Cartridge, December 31, 1988 in North America and later in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Golfamania is a golf video game released exclusively for the Sega Master System in Brazil and Europe. One of the game's innovative features is its create-a-player mode. The game uses a battery-packed RAM in order to save progress. Wikipedia