Plot: Sudokuro is a puzzle game for the Nintendo DS created by American studio FRONTLINE Studios Inc. and published by Crave Entertainment. It features two puzzle games: Sudoku and Kakuro. Each game features three levels of difficulty. Answers can be entered by writing them with the stylus or using buttons...
Plot: The Quest Trio is a video game for the Nintendo DS. It was published by Activision in 2008. The Trio part of the game's name refers to the 3 selectable games: Jewel Quest II: Jewel Quest Expeditions, Jewel Quest Solitaire, and Mah Jong Quest Expeditions. Wikipedia
Plot: Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Osborne House is an adventure video game for the Nintendo DS handheld game console by Frogwares. It is the first in the Sherlock Holmes series to be made specifically for the DS. Wikipedia