Plot: Sudokuro is a puzzle game for the Nintendo DS created by American studio FRONTLINE Studios Inc. and published by Crave Entertainment. It features two puzzle games: Sudoku and Kakuro. Each game features three levels of difficulty. Answers can be entered by writing them with the stylus or using buttons...
Plot: Devilish: Ball Bounder is a breakout clone action video game developed by Starfish for the Nintendo DS. It is the third entry in the Devilish series, released 13 years after its predecessor, Devilish: The Next Possession for the Sega Genesis. Wikipedia
Plot: Hands On! Tangrams is a puzzle game for Nintendo DS. It was released in North America on November 24, 2009. Tangrams are an ancient set of Chinese moving puzzle pieces that today entertain and challenge people across the globe. Wikipedia
Plot: Spelling Challenges and More! is a puzzle video game developed by Supersonic Software and published by Crave Entertainment for the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable. In this game, you must complete multiple different spelling challenges by using the unique features on the Nintendo DS or PlayStation...