Plot: Super DX-Ball is a shareware game by BlitWise Productions, released on November 10, 2004. It is an enhanced remake to the classic brick-buster hit DX-Ball. Wikipedia
Plot: GLtron is a 3D snake game based on the light cycle portion of the film Tron. The game is free and open-source software and has been ported to many mobile and non-mobile operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, Symbian and Android over the years. Wikipedia
Plot: Chromium B.S.U. is an arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter available on Windows, iPhone, PSP, Mac, AmigaOS 4, Linux and numerous other UNIX-like operating systems. It is a free software distributed under the Clarified Artistic License. Wikipedia
Plot: Secret Maryo Chronicles is a free and open-source two-dimensional platform computer game that began in 2003. The game has been described by the German PCtipp as a Super Mario Bros. clone. Wikipedia
Plot: Scorched 3D is a free and open source artillery game modeled after the MS-DOS game Scorched Earth. Scorched 3D offers a new game-play approach compared to the 2D original, such as: fully destructible ... Wikipedia
Plot: SuperTux is a free and open-source two-dimensional platform video game published under the GNU General Public License. The game was inspired by Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. series; instead of Mario, the hero in the game is Tux, the official mascot of the Linux kernel. Wikipedia
Plot: Glest is a free and open-source real-time strategy computer game from 2004. Glest is set in a medieval fantasy world with two factions, and was compared with Warcraft III and the Empire Earth series. Wikipedia