Plot: DX-Ball is a freeware computer game for the PC first released in 1996 by Michael P. Welch and Seumas McNally. The game, originally based on an earlier series of Amiga games known as MegaBall, is patterned after classic ball-and-paddle arcade games such as Breakout and Arkanoid. Wikipedia
Plot: Armagetron Advanced is a multiplayer snake game in 3D based on the light cycle sequence from the film Tron. It is available for Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, AmigaOS 4 and OpenBSD as free and open-source software. Wikipedia
Plot: Breakout is an arcade game developed and published by Atari, Inc., and released on May 13, 1976. It was conceptualized by Nolan Bushnell and Steve Bristow, influenced by the seminal 1972 Atari arcade game Pong. Breakout was the basis and inspiration for certain aspects of the Apple II personal computer...
Plot: SuperTux is a free and open-source two-dimensional platform video game published under the GNU General Public License. The game was inspired by Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. series; instead of Mario, the hero in the game is Tux, the official mascot of the Linux kernel. Wikipedia
Plot: OpenTTD is a business simulation game in which players try to earn money by transporting passengers and freight via road, rail, water and air. It is an open-source remake and expansion of the 1994 Chris Sawyer video game Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Wikipedia