Plot: Devilish: Ball Bounder is a breakout clone action video game developed by Starfish for the Nintendo DS. It is the third entry in the Devilish series, released 13 years after its predecessor, Devilish: The Next Possession for the Sega Genesis. Wikipedia
Plot: My Animal Centre in Africa is a video game for the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS and Windows developed by German studio Braingame. It is similar to the game Pawly Pets: My Animal Hospital, except the player can look after different animals. Wikipedia
Plot: Sudokuro is a puzzle game for the Nintendo DS created by American studio FRONTLINE Studios Inc. and published by Crave Entertainment. It features two puzzle games: Sudoku and Kakuro. Each game features three levels of difficulty. Answers can be entered by writing them with the stylus or using buttons...
Plot: Crayola Treasure Adventure is a video game based on the Crayola company line of crayons developed by Crave Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. The player is a person lost on an island searching for treasure, with only a map and crayons. Wikipedia