Plot: Big Bang Beat - 1st Impression - is a dōjin fighting game made by NRF based on the eroge Daibanchou: Big Bang Age by AliceSoft. Released in May 2007, the game borrows some elements from fighting games by Capcom and Arc System Works. In August 2011 the sequel Big Bang Beat - Revolve was released. Wikipedia...
Plot: Akatsuki Blitzkampf is a series of Japanese dōjin 2D fighting game, developed by the dōjin circle SUBTLE STYLE for Microsoft Windows. It first released in November 2003 under the name Akatsuki Shisei Ichigō, prior being finalized and retitled on April 30, 2007 as Akatsuki Blitzkampf. Wikipedia
Plot: Vanguard Princess, also known as Vanguard Princess: Senjin no Himegimi is a Japanese dōjin 2D fighting game for Windows, developed by a single programmer and illustrator Tomoaki Sugeno nicknamed Suge9. The game was created using Fighter Maker 2nd was released for PC on June 26, 2009, and April 10,...
Plot: Ragnarok Battle Offline is a beat 'em up game for Microsoft Windows created by dōjin soft developer French-Bread. The soundtrack is composed by Raito of Lisa-Rec. It is a homage and a spoof of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Ragnarok Online created by South Korean developer Gravity...
Plot: Melty Blood is a visual novel and fighting game, co-developed by dōjin circles Type-Moon and French-Bread, originally released at Comiket in December 2002. It is shortened as simply Merubura. Wikipedia
Plot: Umineko: Golden Fantasia, known in Japan as just Golden Fantasia, is a 2D versus fighting game developed and published by 07th Expansion. It is a spin-off of the Umineko When They Cry murder mystery visual novel series and was originally released at Comiket 79 on December 31, 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Phantom Breaker is a fighting video game developed by 5pb., Delta Factory and R.U.N, and published by 5pb. in 2011 for Xbox 360. An Arcade version of the game running on Sega's RingEdge 2 Arcade Board, titled Phantom Breaker: Another Code, was released in 2013. Wikipedia