Plot: Super Robot Wars XO is a 2006 tactical role-playing video game developed and published by Banpresto for the Xbox 360 in Japan. Part of the company's Super Robot Wars series, it is an updated version of the GameCube installment Super Robot Wars GC. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Columbine Massacre RPG! is a role-playing video game created by Danny Ledonne and released in April 2005. The game recreates the 1999 Columbine High School shootings near Littleton, Colorado. Wikipedia
Plot: The Magic of Scheherazade is an action-adventure/role-playing video game developed and released by Culture Brain for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was released in 1987 in Japan and 1990 in North America. The plot is based on Middle Eastern folktales found in One Thousand and One Nights...
Plot: Sudeki is a 2004 action role-playing game developed by Climax Studios. It was originally released for Xbox by Microsoft Game Studios. A Microsoft Windows port was released in Europe by Zoo Digital Publishing in 2005, and worldwide via Steam and in 2014 by Climax. Wikipedia
Plot: Kirby's Dream Course is a 1994 miniature golf video game developed by HAL Laboratory and Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Wikipedia
Plot: Paper Mario is a role-playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 home video game console. Paper Mario is the first game in the Paper Mario series. Wikipedia
Plot: OneShot is a puzzle and adventure indie game developed by Future Cat and published by Degica. Based on a 2014 free version, it was released for Steam on December 8, 2016 and on on March 12, 2020. Wikipedia