Plot: Super Robot Wars XO is a 2006 tactical role-playing video game developed and published by Banpresto for the Xbox 360 in Japan. Part of the company's Super Robot Wars series, it is an updated version of the GameCube installment Super Robot Wars GC. Wikipedia
Plot: The Magic of Scheherazade is an action-adventure/role-playing video game developed and released by Culture Brain for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was released in 1987 in Japan and 1990 in North America. The plot is based on Middle Eastern folktales found in One Thousand and One Nights...
Plot: Day One: Garry's Incident is a PC survival game developed and published by Wild Games Studio in Mascouche, Québec, Canada and released on 25 September 2013. The game received primarily negative reviews from critics. Wikipedia
Plot: Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard is a 2019 video game by Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowker. Gameplay revolves around the player's role as Frog Detective, a detective frog who is trying to solve a mystery. It is the sequel to The Haunted Island. The game was greeted to a positive reception...
Plot: Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure is the sixth game in the Tex Murphy series of detective adventure games, developed by Big Finish Games and published by Atlus. Wikipedia