Plot: Murder on the Eurasia Express is an interactive movie and adventure video game developed by System Sacom and published by Enix for the PlayStation in 1998. It was released exclusively in Japan and is the first game in the Cinema Active series, followed later by Love Story on the PlayStation 2. Wikipedia...
Plot: Otogirisō is a visual novel produced by Chunsoft. A sequel, Kirigiri Sou, was released in 2016, produced by Spike Chunsoft and serving as a crossover with and prequel to the Danganronpa series. Wikipedia
Plot: Soukaigi is an action role-playing game developed by Yuke's and published by Square for the PlayStation in 1998. It was later re-released digitally for the PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. No version of the game was localized. Wikipedia
Plot: Machi is a visual novel and the third entry in the Sound Novel Evolution series created by Chunsoft for Sega Saturn. It was ported to PlayStation, and for PlayStation Portable as Machi: Unmei no Kousaten: Tokubetsuhen. Wikipedia