Plot: Rapid Angel is an anime beat 'em up by Techno Soleil for the PlayStation. It was released in Japan on August 13, 1998. The player plays as three delivery girls who must manage to defeat enemies and deliver goods within a time limit. Wikipedia
Plot: Tail of the Sun, known in Japan as Taiyō no Shippo: Wild, Pure, Simple Life, is a 3D action and role-playing video game developed by Artdink and released on the PlayStation. The player's ultimate objective is to build a tower of mammoth tusks that reaches the sun. Wikipedia
Plot: Pet in TV, known in Japan as Ganbare Morikawakun 2Gou, is a pet-raising simulation developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game was released in Japan in May 1997, and later in Europe in August 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: The Firemen 2: Pete & Danny is an action-adventure game developed by Human Entertainment and released for the PlayStation in 1995. It is a sequel to The Firemen. Wikipedia
Plot: Ore no Ryouri is a video game developed by Argent and released by Sony for the PlayStation. Players manage different types of restaurants, using the controller's analog sticks to perform various tasks. It was published in Japan on September 9, 1999. Wikipedia