Plot: Pyramid of Doom is a text adventure game written by Alvin Files and published by Adventure International in 1979. It is the eighth in the Scott Adams' Adventure series. Wikipedia
Plot: Mystery Fun House is a text adventure game written by Scott Adams, Adventure 7 in the series released by Adventure International. The player explores a fun house explore to locate a set of secret plans, solving puzzles along the way. Wikipedia
Plot: The Count is a text adventure written by Scott Adams and published by Adventure International in 1979. The player character has been sent to defeat the vampire Count Dracula by the local Transylvanian villagers, and must obtain and use items from around the vampire's castle in order to defeat him....
Plot: Voodoo Castle is a text adventure game written by Scott Adams and his wife Alexis. Published by Adventure International in 1979, it is #4 in the Scott Adams Adventure series. Wikipedia
Plot: Adventureland is the first text adventure video game for microcomputers, released by Scott Adams in 1978. The game involves searching for thirteen lost artifacts in a fantasy setting. Wikipedia