Plot: Hamurabi is a text-based strategy video game of land and resource management. It was first developed under the name King of Sumeria or The Sumer Game by Doug Dyment in 1968 at Digital Equipment Corporation as a computer game for fellow employee Richard Merrill's newly invented FOCAL programming language...
Plot: The Sumerian Game is a text-based strategy video game of land and resource management. It was developed as part of a joint research project between the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Westchester County, New York and IBM in 1964 1966 for investigation of the use of computer-based simulations...
Plot: Telengard is a 1982 role-playing dungeon crawler video game developed by Daniel Lawrence and published by Avalon Hill. The player explores a dungeon, fights monsters with magic, and avoids traps in real-time without any set mission other than surviving. Wikipedia
Plot: Adventureland is the first text adventure video game for microcomputers, released by Scott Adams in 1978. The game involves searching for thirteen lost artifacts in a fantasy setting. Wikipedia
Plot: Snooper Troops is a series of two 1982 adventure/educational video games developed by Spinnaker Software and published by Computer Learning Connection. They were released on Apple II, Atari 8-bit family, Commodore 64, and MS-DOS. Wikipedia
Plot: Temple of Apshai is a dungeon crawl role-playing video game developed and published by Automated Simulations in 1979. Originating on the TRS-80 and Commodore PET, it was followed by several updated versions for other computers between 1980 and 1986. Wikipedia
Plot: SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest is a construction and management simulation game published by Maxis in 1995. Though it was not developed by Maxis, they still referred to it as a software toy instead of a video game because it remained faithful to the philosophy of the company. Wikipedia
Plot: Seymour Goes to Hollywood, also known as Seymour at the Movies, is a platform and adventure game developed by Big Red Software and originally published in Europe by Codemasters in 1991. Players control Seymour, a small potato-like creature who wishes to be a film star. Wikipedia
Plot: Shard of Spring is a role-playing video game developed by TX Digital Illusions and published by Strategic Simulations for the Apple II, Commodore 64 and MS-DOS computers in 1986. Shard of Spring tells the story of a group of adventurers hired to retrieve the titular magical item stolen by a power-hungry...
Plot: Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas is a real time strategy game developed by Hothouse Creations and published by Eidos Interactive in 1999. Wikipedia