Plot: BMX Simulator is a racing video game released by Codemasters in 1986 for the Commodore 64 and ported to other home computers. It was followed by a sequel, Professional BMX Simulator by The Oliver Twins, and was part of a series of games that included ATV Simulator, Grand Prix Simulator and Professional...
Plot: MiG-29: Soviet Fighter is a shoot 'em up game developed by Codemasters in 1989 and released for several contemporary home computers. An unlicensed version was also released for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Camerica. Wikipedia
Plot: P. P. Hammer and his Pneumatic Weapon is a 1991 video game for the Amiga and Commodore 64 developed by Traveling Bits Production. It is a platform game with puzzle elements. It is influenced by the 1983 video game Lode Runner. In the game, the player controls a character called P. P. Wikipedia
Plot: Bubble Dizzy is an arcade style action video game developed by the Oliver Twins and published in November 1990 by Codemasters for the Amstrad, Spectrum, MS-DOS, Atari ST, Commodore 64 and Amiga. Wikipedia
Plot: Emlyn Hughes International Soccer is a soccer computer game first released in 1988 by Audiogenic Software Ltd.. The game is named after the popular English footballer Emlyn Hughes. It initially appeared on the Commodore 64, with other versions produced for the Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, Atari ST and...
Plot: Treasure Island Dizzy is a computer puzzle game published in 1988 by Codemasters for ZX Spectrum, and later ported to the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, NES, Amiga, Atari ST, Microsoft Windows and Atari Jaguar. Wikipedia
Plot: CJ's Elephant Antics is a platform video game developed by Genesis for the Commodore 64 with conversions made for the Amiga, Atari ST, ZX Spectrum and Nintendo Entertainment System. All ports were handled by Genesis with the exception of the ZX Spectrum version which was handled by Big Red Software...