Plot: 4 Soccer Simulators is a collection of four soccer video games developed and released by Codemasters in 1988. It included four games; 11-a-Side Soccer, Indoor Soccer, Soccer Skills and Street Soccer. The games are all played using vertical scrolling. Wikipedia
Plot: Adidas Championship Football is a soccer video game developed by Ocean Software in 1990. It was released for the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum. The Spectrum version of the game went to number 2 in the UK sales charts, behind Shadow Warriors. Wikipedia
Plot: 750cc Grand Prix is a video game originally developed by Ken Murfitt of Scope Soft and published by Codemasters in 1989 for the Amstrad CPC. It was later ported for ZX Spectrum in 1991 by WASP. Wikipedia
Plot: 3D Construction Kit, also known as 3D Virtual Studio, is a utility for creating 3D worlds in Freescape. Developed by Incentive Software and published by Domark, it was released in 1991 on multiple platforms. Wikipedia
Plot: 3-D Monster Chase is a first-person maze game written by Dave Noonan and released by Romik in 1984 for both the Amstrad CPC and the ZX Spectrum. Wikipedia
Plot: ATV Simulator is a computer game released for the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC by Codemasters. The goal of the game is to drive an ATV through various courses which must be completed within the time limit without running out of fuel. Wikipedia